Tuesday, 3 May 2011

What is Art?

Today in art we wrote Manifestos and a page entitled 'What is Art?'. I felt both of this were difficult tasks as it it very difficult to verbalize my feelings about art. Personally, I enjoy art as a form of relaxation. In a busy, modern world I feel it is important for me to have a subject which gives me the freedom to express my emotions and ideas in any form I want to, not just in a structured essay. In relation to the 'What is Art?' page, I also feel this is an extremely difficult question to answer. As I could not fully verbalize my feelings, I put many images on this page. I felt that this correlated with my opinion that art is down to interpretation, and that there are many different types of art. Although all the images I presented were paintings, they were all done in a variety of different techniques, showing the variety of skill that art can present.

On a school trip to Russia last February, I visited the Hermitage museum of art. I remember very clearly looking at two images presented together: Matisse's 'Dance' and Othon Friesz' 'Roof and Cathedral in Rouen'. I find both these images fascinating as although both use quite simplistic techniques, they are still extremely famous pieces of art. This may be down to their historical context, they may have been innovative techniques at the time of their creation. This furthermore supports my idea that all art is down to interpretation.

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